Developed methods:
Writer Identification
(automatic person identification using scanned images of handwriting):
- Marius Bulacu, Lambert Schomaker (2003) "Writer style from oriented edge
fragments", Proc. of 10th
Int. Conf. on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP 2003):
LNCS 2756, Springer, pp. 460-469, 25 - 27 August, Groningen, The
Handwritten Historical Document
Analysis and Recognition (layout analysis, digit recognition, word
spotting for indexing and retrieval):
- Marius Bulacu, Rutger van Koert, Lambert Schomaker, Tijn
van der Zant (2007)
"Layout analysis of handwritten historical documents for
searching the archive of the Cabinet of the Dutch Queen",
Proc. of 9th Int. Conf. on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2007), IEEE Computer
pp. 357-361, vol. I, 23 - 26 September, Curitiba, Brazil.