Welcome to the MINDS group at the Unversity of Groningen!

We try to understand how intelligent (wide sense) information processing can arise from the high-dimensional dynamics in nonlinear material substrates, such as brains or the non-digital microchips of the future.

Understanding, for us, means mathematical modeling. Our models should be insightfully descriptive and lend themselves to effective and efficient computing procedures.

We draw inspiration from partnering with researchers in computational neuroscience, robotics, neuromorphic and optical computing, mathematics and theoretical computer science. We are very much engaged in the Interdisciplinary College (IK).

In our teaching, the big aim is to help students make friends with the majestic powers of mathematical abstraction in AI and machine learning.

MINDS is Herbert Jaeger’s research team in the Adaptive Perceptive Systems group. This group is part of the AI Department of the Bernoulli Institute in the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. MINDS is also a member of the Groningen Cognitive Systems and Materials Center (CogniGron).

Internships of motivated students and guest research visits are welcome! We have a guide for writing good (unsolicitated) requests for such hostings. Due to the retirement of Herbert Jaeger in mid-2025, no further PhD projects can be hosted in MINDS.