
Cognitive Models of Decision Making: Why Precision Matters

Here you can download the full version of my thesis.

You can also download the separate chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduction
In which we give an overview of the topic and introduce the methods.

Chapter 2: The Availability of Explanations in Memory for Diagnostic Reasoning
In which we use behavioral experiments and ACT-R models to test the idea that observations activate associated explanations in memory.

Chapter 3: Modeling Information Integration with Parallel Constraint Satisfaction
In which we explore different methods of modeling sequential information integration with parallel constraint satisfaction.

Chapter 4: The Influence of Experience and Context on Hypothesis Generation
In which we use behavioral experiments and an ACT-R model to investigate the respective contribution of previous experience and current context on explanations’ availability in memory.

Chapter 5: Thirty-Nine ACT-R Models of Decision Making
In which we use ACT-R to compare different strategies that have been proposed for how people make decisions based on the availability of information in memory.

Supplementary Materials Chapter 5

Chapter 6: Summary & Conclusion
In which we summarize the findings and discuss why precision matters.

Dutch Summary (Nederlandse Samenvatting)
