Category Archives: logic-cognition-2012
The proceedings of the workshop have been published as CEUR Workshop proceedings. Download link: Persistent identifier URN: urn:nbn:de:0074-883-4 If you like to cite an article in the proceedings, please use the following information. Book title: Proceedings of the Logic … Continue reading
Please consult ESSLLI website.
Monday 13 August 17:00-17.30 Introduction to the workshop theme by Jakub Szymanik 17.30-18.30 Iris van Rooij. Rationality, intractability and the prospects of “as if” explanations Tuesday 14 August 17.00-17.30 Maria Spychalska. Superlative quantifiers and epistemic interpretation of disjunction 17.30-18.00 Barbara … Continue reading
Accepted Papers
Nina Gierasimczuk, Han van der Maas and Maartje Raijmakers. Logical and Psychological Analysis of Deductive Mastermind Yacin Hamami and John Mumma. Euclid’s Diagrammatic Logic and Cognitive Science Justine Jacot. The Double Disjunction Task as a Coordination Problem Karolina Krzyżanowska, Sylvia … Continue reading
Paper submission is now closed. The list of accepted papers will be published in June.
Program Committee
Jakub Szymanik (co-chair) Rineke Verbrugge (co-chair) Leon de Bruin Eve Clark Robin Clark Paul Egré Fritz Hamm Alice ter Meulen Marcin Mostowski Maartje Raijmakers Iris van Rooij Keith Stenning Marcin Zajenkowski
Invited Speakers
Paul Egré Vagueness and hysteresis: a case study in color categorization This paper presents the first results of an experimental study concerning the semantic status of borderline cases of vague predicates. Our focus is on the particular case of color … Continue reading
ESSLLI Workshop Logic & Cognition 13-17 August Opole, Poland Web Site: Call for Papers Extended Deadline: March 14, 2012 Workshop Description: The roots of logic go back to antiquity, where it was mostly used as a tool for analyzing … Continue reading