On the occasion of Harmen de Weerd’s defense of the thesis “If you know what I mean: Agent-based models for understanding the function of higher-order theory of mind”, the Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Engineering organizes a thematic mini-symposium on Friday 2 October.
In celebration of Rineke’s birthday on 12th March 2015, Sujata and Jakub organized a celebratory workshop.
Rineke and Jakub organize Reasoning about other minds:
Logical and cognitive perspectives.
Rineke and Jakub organize ESSLLI 2012 Logic & Cognition Workshop. (CfP)
Rineke and Jakub joined the Programme Committee of the Logic & Cognition conference, PoznaĆ 2012. CfP
Jakub teaches a course Generalized Quantifier Theory Meets Cognition at European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information in Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2011.
We organized a workshop Reasoning about other minds: Logical and cognitive perspectives to be held in Groningen on 11th of July. It was co-located with Thirteenth conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge.