Nina Gierasimczuk, Han van der Maas and Maartje Raijmakers. Logical and Psychological Analysis of Deductive Mastermind
Yacin Hamami and John Mumma. Euclid’s Diagrammatic Logic and Cognitive Science
Justine Jacot. The Double Disjunction Task as a Coordination Problem
Karolina Krzyżanowska, Sylvia Wenmackers, Igor Douven and Sara Verbrugge. Conditionals, Inference, and Evidentiality
Rasmus K. Rendsvig. Using Quantified Epistemic Logic as a Modeling Tool in Cognitive Neuropsychology
Fabian Schlotterbeck and Oliver Bott. Easy solutions for a hard problem? The computational complexity of reciprocals with quantificational antecedents
Maria Spychalska. Superlative quantifiers and epistemic interpretation of disjunction
Barbara Tomaszewicz. Quantifiers and visual cognition: the processing of proportional and superlative most in Bulgarian and Polish
András Veszelka. The experimental investigation of the updated traditional interpretation of the conditional statement