Algorithm as in LADS 2007 article.

This version of the one-on-group communication algorithm is the algorithm from the article as presented at "LADS @ Durham Agents'007". The form of the packages used in this algorithm have the following form:


The field with "-" is the checksum field which deals with transmission errors. Because the checksum is not of interest for the knowlegde-based part of the algorithm it is left out in this version of the protocol. An explanation of the fields that are used in this version of the algorithm:

source source port where this message is sent from [S,Ri];
Ksource the source who sends this message knows this message;
destination destination port of message [S,Ri];
group group receivers to which the message is sent [RG, - ]("-" means that the sender communicates only to the destination (one-on-one communication))
sequence sequence number of message from agent who sends this message;
acknowledgement sequence number of message from agent who sends this message;
data data that has to be transmitted.

Sender (incoming packages)

1   for (i = 1 to n) do
     {For all agents who sender is sending to, ... }
2       ack_Ri = seqSRi
         {... initialize the acknowledgement number.}
3   end
     {ack_Ri's initialized}
4   while true do
     {Get ready for receiving acknowledgements from the receivers, ... [11]}
5       when received KRi(S,-,-,seqRi,seqSRi,data) do
         {You have received a package. Prepare for processing, ... [10]}
6           if (seqSRi = ack_Ri + 1) do
             {If this acknowledgement from Ri is equal to the next ack_Ri, ... [9]}
7               ack_Ri = seqSRi
                 {... this is the new current acknowledgement from Ri, ...}
8               store KSKRi(S,-,-,seqRi,seqSRi,data)
                 {... store that you know that Ri knows it.}
9           end
             {[6] ... acknowledgement from Ri, and highest group acknowledgement updated.}
10      end
         {[5] ... finished processing of incoming package.}
11  end
     {... [4].}

Sender (outgoing packages)

1   for (i = 1 to n) do
     {For all receiving agents.}
2       if not seqSRi do
         {If S did not communicate to Ri before.}
3           seqSRi = x
             {Initiate own sequence number for Ri at x.}
4       end
         {seqSRi initiated.}
5   end
     {seqSRi for all receiving agents initiated.}
6   while true do
     {Start sending sequence of messages, ... [20]}
7       compose(data)
         {... ,make up the data for this message, ...}
8       store KS(-,-,G,-,-,data)
         {... and store this information in your knowledge base.}
9       while (∃ ack_Ri ≠ seqSRi) do
         {While not al receivers acknowledged the package with sequence seqSRi, ...[15]}
10           for (i = 1 to n) do
             {... ,and for all receiving agents, ...[14]}
11               if not KSKRi(-,-,G,seqRi + 1,seqSRi,data) do
                 {... check if package `seqSRi' has not been acknowledged yet by Ri, ... [13]}
12                   send KS(Ri,-,G,seqSRi,seqRi,data)
                     {... (re)send the package to Ri.}
13               end
                 {[11] ... A package that was unacknowledged by Ri, has been resent.}
14          end
             {[10] ... A package has been resent to all agents that didn't acknowledge it.}
15      end
         {[9] ... all agents Ri have acknowledged the package with sequence number seqSRi.}
16      for (i = 1 to n) do
         {For all receiving agents, ... [19]}
17          seqRi = seqRi + 1
             {Sequence number of next message from Ri is known. Increment seqRi.}
18          seqSRi = seqSRi + 1
             {Increment own sequence number for Ri.}
19      end
         {[16] ... Sequence numbers for and from Ri updated.}
20  end

Receiver (incoming packages)

1   while true do
     {Get ready for receiving sequence of messages, ... [5]}
2       when received KS(Ri,G,-,seqS,seqRi,data) do
         {You have received a package (from S). Prepare for processing, ... [4]}
3           store KRiKS(-,-,G,seqS,seqRi,data)
             {Store the received package.}
4       end
         {[2] ... finished processing incoming package.}
5   end

Receiver (outgoing packages)

1   when KRiKS(Ri,-,G,x,∅,data)
     {The first message is received.}
2   seqS = x
     {The first sequence number from S ia x.}
3   seqRi = y
     {Initiate own sequence number at y.}
4   while true do
     {Get ready to acknowledge incoming packages, ... [11]}
5       compose(data)
         {Make up the data for this message. (Possibly a request to act as initiator.)}
6       while not KRiKS(Ri,-,G,seqS+1,seqRi,data) do
         {While not received package with 'seqS+1' (and 'seqRi'), ... [8]}
7               send KRi(S,-,-,seqRi,seqS,data)
                 {... (re)send acknowledgement.}
8       end
         {[6] ... You've received message seqS+1 with acknowledgement seqRi.}
9       seqS = seqS + 1
         {You now the sequence number of the next message. Increment seqS.}
10      seqRi = seqRi + 1
         {Increment own sequence number, seqRi}
11  end