Full version of the algorithm.

This is the general version of the one-on-group communication algorithm as presented in my graduation thesis. The packages used in this algorithm have the following form:


An explanation of the fields:

source port where this package is sent from [S,Ri];
the source who sends this package knows this package;
destination port of package [S,Ri];
digital arithmatic representation of the package
group receivers to which the message is sent [RG, - ]("-" means that the sender communicates only to the destination (one-on-one communication))
position of the data from the input tape;
size of the sending/sliding window;
data that has to be transmitted.

Sender (incoming packages)

1   for (i = 1 to n)
     {For all agents who sender is sending to, ... }
2       high_cons_ack_Ri = 0
         {... initialize the highest consecutive acknowledge number.}
3   end
     {High_cons_ack_Ri's initialized}
4   high_cons_ack_RG = 0
     {Initialize the overall highest consecutive acknowledgement.}
5   while true do
     {Get ready for receiving acknowledgements from the receivers you're sending to, ... [19]}
6       when received K_Ri(S,checksum,-,ack_Ri,window_size,-) do
         {You have received a package. Prepare for processing, ... [18]}
7           if (checksum = calculateChecksum(KRi(S,-,-,ack_Ri,window_size,-)))
             {Check if the checksum of the package is correct, delete package if not. [17]}
8               latest_advert_Ri = window_size
                 {The last advertisement you have received from Ri is this one.}
9               latest_advert_RG = min(latest_advert_Ri (for i = 1 to n))
                 {The last RG advertisement is the lowest latest advertisement from all Ri's.}
10              if (ack_Ri > high_cons_ack_Ri) do
                 {If this acknowledgement from Ri is higher than the highest
                  consecutive acknowledgement received so far from Ri, ... [16]}
11                  high_cons_ack_Ri = ack_Ri
                     {This is the new highest consecutive acknowledgement from Ri.}
12                  forall ack_Ri with (ack_Ri ≤ high_cons_ack_Ri) do}
                     {For all the packages up to the highest acknowledgment, ...}
13                      store KSKRi(-,-,-,ack_Ri,-,-)
                         {... store the fact that you know that Ri knows it.}
14                  end
                     {Acknowledgement from Ri updated.}
15                  high_cons_ack_RG = min(high_cons_ack_Ri (for i = 1 to n))
                     {The new high_cons_ack_RG is equal to the lowest high_cons_ack_Ri
                     for all i's.}
16              end
                 {[10] ... high_cons_ack_Ri and high_cons_ack_RG updated with
                 acknowledgement from Ri.}
17          end
             {... [7].}
18      end
         {[6] ... finished processing of incoming package.}
19  end
     {... [5].}

Sender (outgoing packages)

1   window_size = 4
     {Set initial window-size.}
2   time_out = 20
     {Retransmission Time-Out (RTO). Common value is 20 ms.}
3   offset = 0
     {Reading of a tape starts at position 0.}
4   while true do
     {Start reading and sending an infinite tape, ... [24]}
5       forall seq with (offset ≤ seq < offset+window_size) do
         {For all the packages in the current window, ...}
6           read(seq,alpha)
             {... read the values from the tape, ...}
7           store KS(-,-,-,seq,-,alpha)
             {... and store this information in your knowledge base.}
8       end
         {Tape within window has been read. Facts stored.}
9       while (high_cons_ack_RG ≠ offset+window_size-1) do
         {While not all the packages in the window have been acknowledged from RG
         (all agents), ... [21]}
10          forall seq with (offset ≤ seq < offset+window_size) do
             {For all the packages in the current window, ...}
11              for (i = 1 to n) do
                 {... and for all receiving agents, ...}
12                  if not KSKRi(-,-,-,seq,-,-) do
                     {... check if package `seq' has not been acknowledged yet by Ri, ...}
13                      if (timer\tiny (seq,Ri) \scriptsize ≥ time_out) do
                         {... and its retransmission time has expired, ...}
14                          checksum = calculateChecksum(KS(Ri,-,group,seq,window_size,alpha))
                             {... calculate the checksum of the package to be sent ...}
15                          send KS(Ri,checksum,group,seq,window_size,alpha)
                             {... (re)send the package to Ri.}
16                          timer\tiny (seq,Ri) \scriptsize = 0
                             {Reset the timer.}
17                      end
                         {A package for which the retransmission time was expired, ...}
18                  end
                     {... and that was unacknowledged by Ri, has been resent.}
19              end
                 {A package has been resent to all agents that didn't acknowledge it.}
20          end
             {All packages from the sending window have been resent to all the receiving agents
             that didn't acknowledge these packages.}
21      end
         {[9] ... all the packages in the window have been acknowledged by all
         receiving agents Ri.}
22      offset = offset + window-size
         {Move offset with the size of the current window.}
23      window_size = latest_advert_Rg
         {Set the window-size to the latest group advertisement.}
24  end
     {... [4].}

Receiver (incoming packages)

1   while true do
     {Get ready for receiving an infinite tape, ... [7]}
2       when received KS(Ri,group,checksum,seq,window_size,alpha) do
         {You have received a package (from S). Prepare for processing, ... [6]}
3           if(checksum = calculateChecksum(KS(Ri,-,group,seq,window_size,alpha)))
             {Check if the checksum of the package is correct, delete package if not.[5]}
4               store KRiKS(-,-,group,seq,window_size,alpha)
                 {Store the received package.}
5           end
             {... [3]}
6       end
         {[2] ... finished processing incoming package.}
7   end
     {... [1].}

Receiver (outgoing packages)

1   when KRiKS(-,-,-,0,-,-)
     {Wait until the first message is received.}
2   high_cons_seq = 0
     {Initiate the highest consecutive sequence at 0.}
3   time_out = 20
     {Set the retransmission Time-Out (RTO). Common value is 20 ms.}
4   timer = 0
     {Reset timer.}
5   while true do
     {Get ready to acknowledge incoming packages, ... [15]}
6       while not KRi(-,-,-,high_cons_seq+1,-,-) do
         {Still not received package with sequence number 'high_cons_seq+1', ...}
7           if (timer ≥ time_out)
             {... and it is time to (re)transmit acknowledgement, Prepare for
             (re)transmitting, ...[12]}
8               window_size = estimateOptimalWindowSizeRi()
                 {Estimate the best window-size for the state the buffer of Ri is in.}
9               checksum = calculateChecksum(KRi(S,-,-,high_cons_seq,window_size,-))
                 {Calculate the checksum of the package to be sent.}
10               send KRi(S,checksum,-,high_cons_seq,window_size,-)
                 {Send acknowledgement.}
12              timer = 0
                 {Reset the timer.}
13          end
             {[7] ... you've just (re)transmitted an acknowledgement package.}
14      end
         {You've received message high_cons_seq+1.}
15      high_cons_seq = high_cons_seq +1
         {You now know the next message. Increment high_cons_seq.}
16  end
     {... [5].}