
This project was done for the Master course Multi-Agent Systems. The application models the Da Vinci Code game.

People can play this game, using one computer. The disadvantage of this is that to be able to play the game correctly, the players have to switch a lot between who is sitting behind the computer. It was our intention to make an application with which people can play this game via an internet connection. However, making this game was already more work than this project entailed. Therefore we recommend adjusting the game for multi-computer use as a future (research) project.

When modelling this game, we found out that actually less knowledge is necessary than we first thought. During this game, one can reason about what other agents know. However, this is not necessary to be able to find the codes and it will not improve performance of an agent. Therefore this was not implemented in the game.

One can argue whether common knowledge is useful. In this game the common knowledge is represented by all tiles that lie open on the table. We implemented common knowledge in prolog (see common_knowledge.pl). However this did not improve the performance of agents (it did not decrease the number of possible codes) and we decided not to use it in the application.

The knowledge in our system can best be found in the hints we give, while playing the game. These hints actually show what a true logician would be able to deduce. We would have liked to implement more knowledge into this game, but as it turned out that this was not necessary for good gameplay and as the amount of time for this project was limited, we were not able to do so. However, we think that the application as it is, already shows that people barely are true logicians and in order to be a real logician you need, besides good reasoning abilities, also quite a big working memory, to store all possible worlds, all possible values for all tiles. The true logicians in our society, should not need the hints the application gives. However, most people probably do.