
The Course

Epistemic logic is logic about knowledge; how people reason about what they know and what they know that others know. This logic is crucial in describing negotiations in Economics, parallel processes in Computer Science, and multi-agent systems in Artificial Intelligence.

This project was part of the multi-agent course of the Master programme Artificial Intelligence. College topics included axiomatic systems and Kripke-semantics for representing knowledge of multiple actors/agents, applications of this logic in distributed systems, common knowledge and distributed knowledge, and extending the epistemic logic with modal operators for belief, desires and intentions.


Kim Does

Kim Does
Age: 22
Study: Master of Artificial Intelligence
Interests: Cognitive Ergonomics and Cognitive Psychology
E-mail: kdoes apestaartje ai.rug.nl

Kim, having much experience with designing layouts and websites, designed the interface and components for our application and website using Photoshop, and she wrote part of the backend of the application together with Stephanie.

Stephanie Kemna

Stephanie Kemna
Age: 22
Study: Master of Artificial Intelligence
Interests: Rehabilitation and Medical Robotics
E-mail: kemna apestaartje ai.rug.nl

Stephanie worked through quite some Java documentation, to construct the basis for the interface of the application, she also programmed the backend of the application together with Kim. Stephanie also provided the content of the website.

Jesse van den Kieboom

Jesse van den Kieboom
Age: 22
Study: Master of Artificial Intelligence
Interests: Robotics
E-mail: jkieboom apestaartje ai.rug.nl

Jesse, being the programmer in this team, wrote most of the code for the application. Apart from writing much of the Java code, he also wrote all Prolog code.