| Day 1 Tuesday April 10 |
| Abstract and structured formal frameworks for argumentation
8:30 | Introduction and abstract argumentation frameworks (Bart Verheij) slides |
10:00 | Break |
10:30 | Structured argumentation frameworks, in particular ASPIC+ (Henry Prakken) slides |
12:00 | Break |
14:30 | Legal defeasibility as modelled in abstract and structured argumentation frameworks (Giovanni Sartor) slides |
16:00 | Break |
16:30 | Discussion |
17:30 | |
| Day 2 Wednesday April 11 |
| Legal argumentation
8:30 | Cases & Rules: HYPO, CATO and beyond (Henry Prakken) slides |
10:00 | Break |
10:30 | Case models (Bart Verheij) slides |
12:00 | Break |
14:30 | Balancing & interpretation (Giovanni Sartor) slides (1) slides (2) |
16:00 | Break |
16:30 | Discussion |
17:30 | |
| Day 3 Thursday April 12 |
| Evidence
8:30 | Burdens of proof in the law (Giovanni Sartor) slides (1) slides (2) |
10:00 | Break |
10:30 | Three approaches to rational proof in criminal cases (Henry Prakken) slides |
12:00 | Break |
14:30 | Hybrid models of rational legal proof (Bart Verheij) slides |
16:00 | Break |
16:30 | Discussion |
17:30 | |