
We wanted to model a game in which players use higher-order logic to make their decisions and update their own knowledge of the game, so we could implement the players as agents and model their knowledge, using logic. We found the game 'Beaver Gang', in which this was exactly the case.

In this game, every player wants to get the lowest score, by having the lowest cards. And, because there are special cards which would let players swap their cards with your cards, you want other players to know as little as possible about your cards and you want to know as much as possible about their cards.

On this website you can find information about the game itself, how we represented knowledge in our model, how we implemented our model and a conclusion. Besides all this information, the model itself can be found and runned.

The model and this web page were created by Sybren Jansen, Ayla Kangur, (both master students Artificial Intelligence) and Anita Drenthen (master student Human-Machine Communication) as a part of the course Multi-Agent Systems at the University of Groningen.