

Current MSc. Students


Title / Subject

Stijn Colen

Development of a Knowledge Structure for Legal Reasoning Support.

Supervisor(s): Bart Verheij

Tim Dorscheidt


Cultural Evolution through Idealized Child-Parent Imitation.

Supervisor(s): Ann Nowe (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Rineke Verbrugge

Maarten Jacobs

Game Theory and Quantum Logic.

Supervisor(s): Rineke Verbrugge, Harry Buhrmann (CWI)

Current BSc. Students

Recht als Emergente Eigenschap.

Supervisor(s): Bart Verheij, Bart de Boer (now at the VU University)

Lise Pijl

Title / Subject

Weging van Redenen voor Argument Assistance Software.

Supervisor(s): Bart Verheij

Oleksander Murov

Het Tekenen van Argumentatie Grafen.

Supervisor(s): Bart Verheij

Niels van Dijk


Past MSc. Students

Title / Subject

Jeroen van Dijk


From Fabula to Fabulous: Improving Automatically Generated Stories.

Supervisor(s): Dirk Heylen (Radboud Universiteit), Rineke Verbrugge

Using an Agent-based Model to Predict Criminal Activity.

Supervisor(s): Rob van der Veer (Sentient), Bart Verheij

Johan Everts


Improving Human-Machine Cooperation through Eye-Tracking.

An Agent-based Approach.

Supervisor(s): Bart Verheij

Jop Gerritsen


Data Mining on Historical Access Data for an Intelligent Caching and Replacement Algorithm in a Digital Archive of Seismic Data.

Supervisor(s): Marco Aiello (Computer Science), Rineke Verbrugge


Martin Klomp

Coherence in a Computational Cognitive Simulation.

Supervisor(s): Elizabeth Sklar (City University NY), Rineke Verbrugge

Douwe Terluin

Hilverd Reker


A Tree Decomposition Approach to Automated Reasoning.

Supervisor(s): Gerard Renardel de Lavalette (Computer Science), Rineke Verbrugge

Maaike Schweers


ArguGuide. Ondersteuning van Juridisch Redeneren Gebaseerd op de Kennisstructuur van een Juridisch Leerstuk.

Supervisor(s): Bart Verheij

Elske van der Vaart


Evolving Models of Theory of Mind.

Supervisor(s): Rineke Verbrugge

Robin Vanhoyland


Online Dispute Resolution. Het Aanpassen van Argumentatie Programmatuur als Stap in de Richting van ODR.

Supervisor(s): Richard Verkijk (Maastricht University), Bart Verheij

Maarten van der Veen (2007)

Dynamic Distribution of Semantic Knowledge in Sensor Networks.

Supervisor(s): A. de Jong (TNO), Bart Verheij

Wimer Hazenberg


Computationele Rechtstheorie: Coordinatietechnieken in een Hierarchisch Systeem.

Supervisor(s): Bart Verheij

Harmen Wassenaar


Taming Frankenstein's Logic, or How I Turned the Tables on Hybrid Logic. Supervisor(s): Rineke Verbrugge

Egon van Baars


Knowledge-Based Algorithms for Multi-Agent Communication.

Supervisor(s): Rineke Verbrugge

Mathijs de Boer


Practical Proofs in Public Announcement Logic.

Supervisor(s): Barteld Kooi (Theoretical Philosophy), Rineke Verbrugge

Liesbeth Flobbe


Children's Development of Reasoning About Other People's Minds.

Supervisor(s): Rineke Verbrugge, Petra Hendriks (Linguistics), Irene Kramer (Radboud University)

Maaike Harbers


The Examination of an Information-Based Approach to Trust and Reputation.

Supervisor(s): Carles Sierra (AIII, Spain), Rineke Verbrugge

Joris van IJsselmuiden


Qualitative Decision Theory and Graph Rewriting in an Adaptive Diary Assistant.

Supervisor(s): Tim van Samshuyzen (Rockingstone), Rineke Verbrugge

Floris Bex


University of Utrecht

Explaining Anchors: Laying the Foundations for an Evidential Sense-Making System.

Supervisor(s): Henry Prakken (University of Utrecht), Jan Broersen (University of Utrecht), Bart Verheij

Berto Booijnk


Strategy Evolution and Resolution Deduction in Diplomacy.

Supervisor(s): Rineke Verbrugge

Martijn Bosma


Musicology in a Virtual World: A Bottom-Up Approach to the Study of Musical Evolution.

Supervisor(s): Eduardo Reck Miranda (University of Plymouth), Rineke Verbrugge

Lisette Mol


Learning to Reason about Other People's Minds.

Supervisor(s): Rineke Verbrugge, Petra Hendriks (Linguistics)

Matthijs van Santen de Hoog


Tools for Automated Verification of Knowledge-Based Systems.

Supervisor(s): Mark Mastop & Onno de Groote (Everest), Rineke Verbrugge

Diederik Kraaikamp


Post-Master Project

Het Meesterproefstuk, een Business Rules Approach.

Supervisor(s): Martijn Tromm (Pecoma), Rineke Verbrugge

Gerben Blom


Generating Standard Rules in the Opening Game of Dots and Boxes.

Supervisor(s): Rineke Verbrugge

Jan-Willem Hiddink


Information as a Valuable.

Supervisor(s): Wouter Teepe (now at the Radboud University), Rineke Verbrugge

Robert Coehoorn


Learning an Opponent's Preferences in Order to Make Effective Multi-Issue Negotation Trade-Offs.

Supervisor(s): Nick Jennings (Southampton University), Rineke Verbrugge

Willem Hibbeln


Updating a Robot's Internal Map of the Environment

Supervisor(s): Carles Sierra (IIIA, Spain), Rineke Verbrugge

Luit Gazendam


Bounded Rationality and the Prisoner's Dilemma.

Supervisor(s): Rene Jorna (Business Science), Rineke Verbrugge

Edo Plantinga


Student Modelling Using a Genetic Algorithm.

Supervisor(s): Josiah Poon (University of Sydney), Niels Taatgen (Cognitive Modeling Group) and Rineke Verbrugge

Albert van der Heide


The Group Movement of Aptenodytes forsteri Implemented as an 'Emergent' Phenomenon.

Supervisor(s): Martijn Schut (VU University), Rineke Verbrugge

Gerolf de Boer


Ontologies and Team Formation in Multi-Agent Systems.

Supervisor(s): Jan Veldsink (Pecoma), Rineke Verbrugge

Sjoerd Druiven


Knowledge Development in Games of Imperfect Information.

Supervisor(s): Jeroen Donkers & Jos Uiterwijk (Maastricht University), Rineke Verbrugge

Suzanne van Gelder


Genetic Tuning: Tuning the Matching Application Elise Using Machine Learning Techniques.

Supervisor(s): Toine van Moergastel & Sebastian Ubink (Cap Gemini Ernst & Young), Rineke Verbrugge

Volker Nannen


The Paradox of Overfitting.

Supervisor(s): Peter Grunwald (CWI), Rineke Verbrugge

Jan-Willem Wennekes


Bounded Rationality and Communication.

Supervisor(s): Rineke Verbrugge, Niels Taatgen (Cognitive Modeling Group), Petra Hendriks (Linguistics)

Caren Wolferink


A Learning System for Discovering 'Unusual' Behavior for Security of Organizations.

Supervisor(s): Albert Dercksen (Nedap), Rineke Verbrugge

Maarten Grachten (2001)

JIG: An Approach to Computational Jazz Improvisation.

Supervisor(s): Ramon Lopez Mantaras (IIIA, Spain), Rineke Verbrugge

Cynthia van Weeren (2001)

Analysis of the Scheduling Problem at High Schools.

Supervisor(s): J.H. Numan (IKS), Rineke Verbrugge

Diederik Roosch (2001)

Multi-Agents in Air Traffic Control.

Supervisor(s): Ben Mulder (Psychology), Rineke Verbrugge

Wouter Teepe (2000)

Privacy-Oriented Workflow Analysis.

Supervisor(s): Reind van de Riet (VU University), Rineke Verbrugge

Barteld Kooi


The Monty Hall Dilemma.

Supervisor(s): Erik Krabbe (Theoretical Philosophy), Rineke Verbrugge

Past BSc. Students

Title / Subject

Harmen de Weerd


Ontology-based Argumentation in Java (JONA).

Supervisor(s): Bart Verheij

Tim Dorscheidt


Recht als Emergente Eigenschap: De Stapsgewijze Analyse van een Gesimuleerde Samenleving.

Supervisor(s): Bart Verheij, Bart de Boer (now at the VU University)

Lennart van Luijk


Ontology-based Argumentation in Java (JONA). Text Generation.

Supervisor(s): Bart Verheij


Jelle Prins


Ontology-based Argumentation in Java (JONA). Argument Visualization.

Supervisor(s): Bart Verheij

Tijs Zwinkels


Ontology-based Argumentation in Java (JONA). Natuurlijke Argumentatie Opbouwen met Behulp van Argumentatieschema's in Software.

Supervisor(s): Bart Verheij

Lammert Dijkstra & Sander Foekema


Eigendomsrecht op de Sugarscape?

Supervisor(s): Bart Verheij, Bart de Boer (now at the VU University), Gert Kootstra (Autonomous Perceptive Systems Group)

Jeroen Kuijpers


Ontology-based Argumentation in Java (JONA). Argumentative Speech Acts.

Supervisor(s): Bart Verheij

Koen Haak


Ontology-based Argumentation in Java (JONA). Argumentatieontologie en Uitwisselingsformaten.

Supervisor(s): Bart Verheij

Albert Hankel & Elske van der Vaart


Recht als Emergente Eigenschap.

Supervisor(s): Bart Verheij, Bart de Boer (now at the VU University), Gert Kootstra (Autonomous Perceptive Systems Group)

Hanno Koeslag & Maarten Jacobs


Recht als Emergente Eigenschap.

Supervisor(s): Bart Verheij, Bart de Boer (now at the VU University), Gert Kootstra (Autonomous Perceptive Systems Group)

Maurice Mulder & Inge Slingerland


Grooming, Gossip and Agent-Based Models

Supervisor(s): Rineke Verbrugge, Elske van der Vaart

Gerben Blom


A Machine Learning Approach to the Opening of the Game Dots and Boxes.

Supervisor(s): Rineke Verbrugge

Egon van Baars


Modeling Communication in Team Formation.

Supervisor(s): Rineke Verbrugge

Douwe Terluin


A Knowledge-Based System for Healthcare.

Supervisor(s): Rineke Verbrugge

Ernstjan Tissing


Modeling Other Agents.

Supervisor(s): Rineke Verbrugge

Berto Booijnk & Daan Reid


Modeling Strategies in the Cardgame 'Klaverjassen'.

Supervisor(s): Rineke Verbrugge

Gert van Valkenhoef


Dealing with Execution Uncertainty in the Continuous Double Action.

Supervisor(s): Nick Jennings, (University of Southampton), Rineke Verbrugge