The logic of defeasible argumentation


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Table of Contents

The logic of defeasible argumentation

Defeasible argumentation

Defeasible argumentation

Overview of the lecture

What is this course all about?

What is this course all about?

Who am I?

Who am I?

My research topics

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Current models

Current models

Cross-disciplinary influences

Cross-disciplinary influences

Cross-disciplinary influences

Cross-disciplinary influences

Cross-disciplinary influences

Different aims and biases

Biases diagram

This course

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Formal models of reasoning

Models and the modeled

The modeling cycle

An explicit informal view on argumentation and defeat


An informal view on argumentation and defeat

Argumentation as a kind of reasoning


Argument defeat and argument attack


Argumentation as a process

Argumentation as social discourse

Semantics and proof theory

Central questions

Overview of the course


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Author: Bart Verheij

Email: b.verheij at ai dot rug dot nl

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