Automated argument assistance


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Table of Contents

Automated argument assistance

Defeasible argumentation

Automated argument assistance

Argument-assistance systems vs. automated reasoning systems

Three prototypical systems

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The Argue!-system

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Evaluation rules of the Argue!-system

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ArguMed 1.0 and 2.0

ArguMed 1.0

ArguMed’s argument moves

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ArguMed 1.0

ArguMed 2.0

ArguMed 2.0

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A step with an explicit warrant

A reason for a step warrant

A step warrant that is not justified

An undercutter with an explicit warrant

A reason for an undercutter warrant

An undercutter warrant that is not justified

A hanging premise

Justified statements

Justifying reasons

Undercutting exceptions

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Argument assistance systems

Argument assistance systems

Relevance of argument assistance systems

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Dialectical arguments

Toulmin’s scheme (1958)


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Author: Bart Verheij

Email: b.verheij at ai dot rug dot nl

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