Who shoves whom around inside a thinking self? Or: What is the meaning of symbols?

Bart Verheij

Analog and Digital encounter each other in the world of ideas (Figure 1).

D: Fancy meeting you here! I'd already hoped that our dialogues would have a counterpart here.

A: You never can tell in the world of ideas. Just when you think you're done, new symbols combine and drag you out again. Events, my dear, events ...

D: I don't see why we have to perform at the whims of events.

A: Just try resisting. Then you'll see why. You don't have any choice in the matter!

D: I don't?

A: Look—to resist is tantamount to failure. The world of events is our dictator.

Manuscript (in PDF-format)

Verheij, B. (2024). Who shoves whom around inside a thinking self? Or: What is the meaning of symbols? Autonomous Perception in Humans and Machines. A Liber Amicorum Honoring Lambert Schomaker, 86-94. Groningen: University of Groningen.

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