Rules, cases and arguments in artificial intelligence and law

Heng Zheng, Bart Verheij

Artificial intelligence and law is an interdisciplinary field of research that dates back at least to the 1970s, with academic conferences starting in the 1980s. In the field, complex problems are addressed about the computational modeling and automated support of legal reasoning and argumentation. Scholars have different backgrounds, and progress is driven by insights from lawyers, judges, computer scientists, philosophers and others. The community investigates and develops artificial intelligence techniques applicable in the legal domain, in order to enhance access to law for citizens and to support the efficiency and quality of work in the legal domain, aiming to promote a just society. Integral to the legal domain, legal reasoning and its structure and process have gained much attention in AI & Law research. Such research is today especially relevant, since in these days of big data and widespread use of algorithms, there is a need in AI to connect knowledge-based and data-driven AI techniques in order to arrive at a social, explainable and responsible AI. By considering knowledge in the form of rules and data in the form of cases connected by arguments, the field of AI & Law contributes relevant representations and algorithms for handling a combination of knowledge and data. In this chapter, as an entry point into the literature on AI & Law, three major styles of modeling legal reasoning are studied: rule-based reasoning, case-based reasoning and argument-based reasoning, which are the focus of this chapter. We describe selected key ideas, leaving out formal detail. As we will see, these styles of modeling legal reasoning are related, and there is much research investigating relations. We use the example domain of Dutch tort law (Section 2) to illustrate these three major styles, which are then more fully explained (Sections 3 to 5)

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Manuscript (in PDF-format)

Zheng, H., & Verheij, B. (2021). Rules, cases and arguments in artificial intelligence and law. Research Handbook on Big Data Law (ed. Vogl, R.), 374-388. Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar Publishing.

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