Formalizing Value-Guided Argumentation for Ethical Systems Design

Bart Verheij

The persuasiveness of an argument depends on the values promoted and demoted by the position defended. This idea, inspired by Perelman's work on argumentation, has become a prominent theme in artificial intelligence research on argumentation since the work by Hafner and Berman on teleological reasoning in the law, and was further developed by Bench-Capon in his value-based argumentation frameworks. One theme in the study of value-guided argumentation is the comparison of values. Formal models involving value comparison typically use either qualitative or quantitative primitives. In this paper, techniques connecting qualitative and quantitative primitives recently developed for evidential argumentation are applied to value-guided argumentation. By developing the theoretical understanding of intelligent systems guided by embedded values, the paper is a step towards ethical systems design, much needed in these days of ever more pervasive AI techniques.

Manuscript (in PDF-format)

This paper extends a paper presented at JURIX 2016.

Verheij, B. (2016). Formalizing value-guided argumentation for ethical systems design. Artificial Intelligence and Law 24 (4), 387-407.

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