Curriculum Vitae of Marco Wiering
Curriculum Vitae
1995 ---1999
Preparation of PhD thesis in Artificial Intelligence at
IDSIA. Supervisors:
Dr. Juergen Schmidhuber (IDSIA) and
Prof. Dr. F.C.A. Groen (formal supervisor from the University of Amsterdam).
1989 --- 1995:
5 years of studying computer science and artificial intelligence
at the University of Amsterdam. (``Cum Laude'') diploma degree.
1983 --- 1989:
RSG-Gymnasium at Schagen (the Netherlands).
Work Experience
Assistant Professor (universitiair docent) with Tenure Track
in the Department of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Groningen,
September 2007 -
Assistant Professor (docent/onderzoeker) at the University Utrecht;
January 2000 - September 2007
Post-doc at the University of Amsterdam, autonomous systems group:
May 1999 - October 1999.
Student assistant at the University of Amsterdam, department
computer science:
November 1992 --- January 1993.
Student assistant at the University of Amsterdam, department medical physics:
April 1993 --- April 1994.
First prize of the professional category in the Whizzkids'96 competition
on combinatorial optimization (1996),
designed by the technical university Eindhoven, the Telegraaf and CMG.
Early Achievements
First prize of the dutch championship draughts for children below 13 years.
First prize of the dutch championship draughts for juniors (1987).
7th prize in the world-championship draughts in Granville (Fr).
First prize of the dutch championship draughts for juniors (1988).
10th prize in the world-championship draughts in Tallinn (Est).