# | Student | Year | Thesis title | Institute | Role |
57 | Sha Luo | 2024 | Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning in Robotic Motion Planning | University of Groningen | promotor copromotor Hamidreza Kasaei |
56 | Maruf Dhali | 2024 | Artificial Intelligence in Historical Document Analysis: Pattern recognition and machine learning techniques in the study of ancient manuscripts with a focus on the Dead Sea Scrolls | University of Groningen | promotor 2nd promotor Mladen Popovic |
55 | Asmaa Haja | 2024 | Automated Deep Learning Models for the Analysis of Biomedical Microscopy Images | University of Groningen | promotor 2nd promotor Ida van der Klei |
54 | Mahya Ameryan | 2023 | Towards robust real-world historical handwriting recognition | University of Groningen | promotor copromotor Hamidreza Kasaei |
53 | Anouk Goossens | 2023 | Complex Oxides for Computing Beyond von Neumann | University of Groningen | copromotor promotor: Tamalika Banerjee |
52 | Zhenxing Zhang | 2023 | Generative Adversarial Networks for Diverse and Explainable Text-to-Image Generation | University of Groningen | promotor |
51 | Jean-Paul van Oosten | 2021 | The snowball principle for handwritten word-image retrieval: The importance of labelled data and humans in the loop | University of Groningen | promotor |
50 | Amir Shantia | 2021 | Machine Learning in Robotic Navigation: Deep Visual Localization and Adaptive Control | University of Groningen | promotor, copromotor Marco Wiering |
49 | Pornntiwa Pawara | 2021 | Plant recognition, detection, and counting with deep learning | University of Groningen | promotor, copromotor Marco Wiering |
48 | Peter C. Kroon | 2020 | Aggregate, Assemble, Automate | University of Groningen | manuscript committee promotor S.J. Marrink |
47 | Klaas Dijkstra | 2020 | Deep learning and hyperspectral imaging for unmanned aerial vehicles: Combining convolutional neural networks with traditional computer vision paradigms | University of Groningen | promotor, with copromotor Marco Wiering |
46 | Bowornrat Sriman | 2020 | Keypoint-based scene-text detection and character classification using color and gradient features | University of Groningen | promotor, with C. Jareanpon |
45 | Emmanuel Okafor | 2019 | Deep learning for animal recognition | University of Groningen | promotor, together Marco Wiering |
44 | Sheng He | 2017 | Beyond OCR: Handwritten manuscript attribute understanding (cum laude) | University of Groningen | promotor, together with Jan Burgers (UvA) |
43 | Bea Valkenier | 2016 | Vowel Processing in Cluttered Auditory Scenes | University of Groningen/BCN | promotor, together with Tjeerd Andringa and Deniz Baskent |
42 | Faik Karaaba | 2016 | Face recognition in low-resolution images under small sample conditions with face-part detection and alignment | University of Groningen | promotor, together with Marco Wiering |
41 | Olarik Surinta | 2016 | Multi-script handwritten character recognition: Using feature descriptors and machine learning | University of Groningen | promotor, together with Marco Wiering |
40 | Koen Haak (also see: MSc students) | 2013 | Computational Neuroimaging of visual field loss | University of Groningen/BCN | opposition, invited by Frans Cornelissen. |
39 | Axel Brink | 2011 | Robust and applicable handwriting biometrics | University of Groningen/ALICE | promotor |
38 | Egon van den Broek (2nd dissertation) | 2011 | Affective signal processing (ASP): unraveling the mystery of emotions | University of Twente | manuscript committee and opposition |
37 | Allessandro Crippa | 2011 | Explorations in the field of brain connectivity : analysis and visualization | University of Groningen | opponent |
36 | Hado van Hasselt | 2011 | Insights in reinforcement learning: Formal analysis and empirical evaluation of temporal-difference learning | University of Utrecht / University of Groningen | promotor, with John-Jules Meyer and copromotor Marco Wiering |
35 | Azizi bin Abdullah | 2010 | Supervised Learning Algorithms for Visual Object categorization | University of Utrecht (promotor Remco Veltkamp & copromotor Marco Wiering) | member of manuscript committee |
34 | Dirkjan Krijnders | 2010 | Signal-driven sound processing for uncontrolled environments | University of Groningen/ALICE | promotor, copromotor Tjeerd Andringa |
33 | Maria Niessen | 2010 | Context-based sound event recognition | University of Groningen/ALICE | promotor, copromotor Tjeerd Andringa |
32 | Ralph Niels | 2010 | Allograph-based writer identification, handwriting analysis and character recognition | University of Nijmegen | promotor, with Louis Vuurpijl and P. Desain |
31 | Tijn van der Zant | 2010 | Generative Artificial Intelligence: A neo-cybernetic analysis | University of Groningen/ALICE | promotor |
30 | Gert Kootstra | 2010 | Visual attention and Active Vision | University of Groningen/ALICE | promotor, with Bart de Boer |
29 | Leendert van Maanen | 2009 | Context effects on memory retrieval: Theory and applications | University of Groningen/ALICE | promotor, with Hedderik van Rijn & Niels Taatgen |
28 | Wouter Teepe | 2007 | Reconciling information exchange and confidentiality: A formal approach | University of Groningen/ALICE | promotor, with Rineke Verbrugge |
27 | Michael Stal | 2007 | Understanding and analyzing software architecture of distributed systems using patterns | University of Groningen | opponent |
26 | Antti Aaltonen | 2007 | Facilitating personal content management in smart phones | University of Groningen | opponent |
25 | Marius Bulacu | 2007 | Statistical pattern recognition for automatic writer identification and verification | University of Groningen/ALICE | promotor |
24 | Tamás Bíró | 2006 | Finding the right words: Implementing Optimality Theory with Simulated Annealing | University of Groningen | opponent |
23 | Sybe I. Rispens | 2005 | Machine reason: a history of clocks, computers and consciousness | University of Groningen | opponent |
22 | Katrin Franke | 2005 | The influence of physical and biomechanical processes on the ink trace - Methodological foundations for the forensic analysis of signatures | University of Groningen/ALICE | promotor |
21 | Mark ter Brugge | 2005 | Morphological Design of discrete-time cellular neural networks | University of Groningen | manuscript committee |
20 | Egon van den Broek | 2005 | Human-Centered Content-Based Image Retrieval | Nijmegen University | opponent |
19 | Andrei Corneliu Jalba | 2004 | Automatic image segmentation and analysis with applications to diatom identification | University of Groningen, IWI | opponent |
18 | Ameur Bensefia | 2004 | Analyse des documents manuscrits: identification et verification du scripteur | Université de Rouen, laboratoire PSI | manuscript committee |
17 | Sriram Subramanian | 2004 | Tangible interfaces for volume interaction | J.F. Schouten Institute, Eindhoven University | manuscript committee |
16 | Cosmin Grigorescu | 2004 | Contour detection and shape recognition in image analysis | BCN/University of Groningen | opponent |
15 | Stasinos T. Konstantopoulos | 2003 | Using inductive logic programming to learn local linguistic structures | BCN/University of Groningen | opponent |
14 | Simona Grigorescu | 2003 | Texture analysis from two different perspectives: signal processing and structural analysis | BCN/University of Groningen | opponent |
13 | Eliane Segers | 2002 | Multimedia support of language learning in kindergarten | Nijmegen University | opponent |
12 | Tony Mullen | 2002 | Compositional features and feature merging for maximum-entropy-based parse selection | BCN/University of Groningen | opponent |
11 | Tjeerd Andringa | 2002 | Continuity-preserving Signal Processing | BCN/University of Groningen | manuscript committee |
10 | Rob Koeling | 2002 | Dialogue-Based Disambiguation: Using Dialogue Status to Improve Speech Understanding | BCN/University of Groningen | opponent |
9 | Gilles Roux | 2001 | Approches globales pour l'analyse de montants numeriques de cheques | Université Francois Rabelais, Tours | opponent |
8 | Ivilin Stoianov | 2001 | Connectionist lexical processing | BCN/University of Groningen | opponent |
7 | Bernd Wondergem | 2000 | Compact and tractable descriptors for Information Discovery | CSI, Nijmegen University | opponent |
6 | Pierre-Michel Lallican | 1999 | Reconnaissance de l'ecriture manuscrite hors-ligne avec apprentissage sur l'ecriture en-ligne | IRESTE, Univ. de Nantes | opponent |
5 | Diana Mangalagiu | 1999 | Acceleration de l'algorithme des k plus proches voisins par reorganisation arborescente de la base de donnees | Ecole Polytechnique, Paris | manuscript committee |
4 | Daniel Ollivier | 1999 | Une approche economisant les traitements pour reconnaitre l'ecriture manuscrite: application a la reconnaissance des montants litteraux de cheques | Universite de Paris XI, Orsay | manuscript committee |
3 | Louis Vuurpijl | 1998 | Platforms for artificial neural networks: Neurosimulators and Performance prediction of MIMD-Parallel Systems | CSI, Nijmegen Univ. | manuscript committee |
2 | Hans Dolfing | 1998 | Handwriting Recognition and Verification: A Hidden-Markov Approach | Eindhoven Univ. | opponent |
1 | Carla Huls | 1995 | Fitting Language into the Picture: Studies into the use of limited-linguistic techniques in multimodal interfaces | NICI, Nijmegen Univ. | opponent |