1 Ph.D. student involvement Lambert Schomaker

Ph.D. student involvement Lambert Schomaker

# Student Year Thesis title Institute Role
57 Sha Luo 2024 Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning in Robotic Motion Planning University of Groningen promotor
copromotor Hamidreza Kasaei
56 Maruf Dhali 2024 Artificial Intelligence in Historical Document Analysis: Pattern recognition and machine learning techniques in the study of ancient manuscripts with a focus on the Dead Sea Scrolls University of Groningen promotor
2nd promotor Mladen Popovic
55 Asmaa Haja 2024 Automated Deep Learning Models for the Analysis of Biomedical Microscopy Images University of Groningen promotor
2nd promotor Ida van der Klei
54 Mahya Ameryan 2023 Towards robust real-world historical handwriting recognition University of Groningen promotor
copromotor Hamidreza Kasaei
53 Anouk Goossens 2023 Complex Oxides for Computing Beyond von Neumann University of Groningen copromotor
promotor: Tamalika Banerjee
52 Zhenxing Zhang 2023 Generative Adversarial Networks for Diverse and Explainable Text-to-Image Generation University of Groningen promotor
51 Jean-Paul van Oosten 2021 The snowball principle for handwritten word-image retrieval: The importance of labelled data and humans in the loop University of Groningen promotor
50 Amir Shantia 2021 Machine Learning in Robotic Navigation: Deep Visual Localization and Adaptive Control University of Groningen promotor, copromotor Marco Wiering
49 Pornntiwa Pawara 2021 Plant recognition, detection, and counting with deep learning University of Groningen promotor, copromotor Marco Wiering
48 Peter C. Kroon 2020 Aggregate, Assemble, Automate University of Groningen manuscript committee
promotor S.J. Marrink
47 Klaas Dijkstra 2020 Deep learning and hyperspectral imaging for unmanned aerial vehicles: Combining convolutional neural networks with traditional computer vision paradigms University of Groningen promotor, with copromotor Marco Wiering
46 Bowornrat Sriman 2020 Keypoint-based scene-text detection and character classification using color and gradient features University of Groningen promotor, with C. Jareanpon
45 Emmanuel Okafor 2019 Deep learning for animal recognition University of Groningen promotor, together Marco Wiering
44 Sheng He 2017 Beyond OCR: Handwritten manuscript attribute understanding
(cum laude)
University of Groningen promotor, together with Jan Burgers (UvA)
43 Bea Valkenier 2016 Vowel Processing in Cluttered Auditory Scenes University of Groningen/BCN promotor, together with Tjeerd Andringa and Deniz Baskent
42 Faik Karaaba 2016 Face recognition in low-resolution images under small sample conditions with face-part detection and alignment University of Groningen promotor, together with Marco Wiering
41 Olarik Surinta 2016 Multi-script handwritten character recognition: Using feature descriptors and machine learning University of Groningen promotor, together with Marco Wiering
40 Koen Haak (also see: MSc students) 2013 Computational Neuroimaging of visual field loss University of Groningen/BCN opposition, invited by Frans Cornelissen.
39 Axel Brink 2011 Robust and applicable handwriting biometrics University of Groningen/ALICE promotor
38 Egon van den Broek (2nd dissertation) 2011 Affective signal processing (ASP): unraveling the mystery of emotions University of Twente manuscript committee and opposition
37 Allessandro Crippa 2011 Explorations in the field of brain connectivity : analysis and visualization University of Groningen opponent
36 Hado van Hasselt 2011 Insights in reinforcement learning: Formal analysis and empirical evaluation of temporal-difference learning University of Utrecht / University of Groningen promotor, with John-Jules Meyer and copromotor Marco Wiering
35 Azizi bin Abdullah 2010 Supervised Learning Algorithms for Visual Object categorization University of Utrecht (promotor Remco Veltkamp & copromotor Marco Wiering) member of manuscript committee
34 Dirkjan Krijnders 2010 Signal-driven sound processing for uncontrolled environments University of Groningen/ALICE promotor, copromotor Tjeerd Andringa
33 Maria Niessen 2010 Context-based sound event recognition University of Groningen/ALICE promotor, copromotor Tjeerd Andringa
32 Ralph Niels 2010 Allograph-based writer identification, handwriting analysis and character recognition University of Nijmegen promotor, with Louis Vuurpijl and P. Desain
31 Tijn van der Zant 2010 Generative Artificial Intelligence: A neo-cybernetic analysis University of Groningen/ALICE promotor
30 Gert Kootstra 2010 Visual attention and Active Vision University of Groningen/ALICE promotor, with Bart de Boer
29 Leendert van Maanen 2009 Context effects on memory retrieval: Theory and applications University of Groningen/ALICE promotor, with Hedderik van Rijn & Niels Taatgen
28 Wouter Teepe 2007 Reconciling information exchange and confidentiality: A formal approach University of Groningen/ALICE promotor, with Rineke Verbrugge
27 Michael Stal 2007 Understanding and analyzing software architecture of distributed systems using patterns University of Groningen opponent
26 Antti Aaltonen 2007 Facilitating personal content management in smart phones University of Groningen opponent
25 Marius Bulacu 2007 Statistical pattern recognition for automatic writer identification and verification University of Groningen/ALICE promotor
24 Tamás Bíró 2006 Finding the right words: Implementing Optimality Theory with Simulated Annealing University of Groningen opponent
23 Sybe I. Rispens 2005 Machine reason: a history of clocks, computers and consciousness University of Groningen opponent
22 Katrin Franke 2005 The influence of physical and biomechanical processes on the ink trace - Methodological foundations for the forensic analysis of signatures University of Groningen/ALICE promotor
21 Mark ter Brugge 2005 Morphological Design of discrete-time cellular neural networks University of Groningen manuscript committee
20 Egon van den Broek 2005 Human-Centered Content-Based Image Retrieval Nijmegen University opponent
19 Andrei Corneliu Jalba 2004 Automatic image segmentation and analysis with applications to diatom identification University of Groningen, IWI opponent
18 Ameur Bensefia 2004 Analyse des documents manuscrits: identification et verification du scripteur Université de Rouen, laboratoire PSI manuscript committee
17 Sriram Subramanian 2004 Tangible interfaces for volume interaction J.F. Schouten Institute, Eindhoven University manuscript committee
16 Cosmin Grigorescu 2004 Contour detection and shape recognition in image analysis BCN/University of Groningen opponent
15 Stasinos T. Konstantopoulos 2003 Using inductive logic programming to learn local linguistic structures BCN/University of Groningen opponent
14 Simona Grigorescu 2003 Texture analysis from two different perspectives: signal processing and structural analysis BCN/University of Groningen opponent
13 Eliane Segers 2002 Multimedia support of language learning in kindergarten Nijmegen University opponent
12 Tony Mullen 2002 Compositional features and feature merging for maximum-entropy-based parse selection BCN/University of Groningen opponent
11 Tjeerd Andringa 2002 Continuity-preserving Signal Processing BCN/University of Groningen manuscript committee
10 Rob Koeling 2002 Dialogue-Based Disambiguation: Using Dialogue Status to Improve Speech Understanding BCN/University of Groningen opponent
9 Gilles Roux 2001 Approches globales pour l'analyse de montants numeriques de cheques Université Francois Rabelais, Tours opponent
8 Ivilin Stoianov 2001 Connectionist lexical processing BCN/University of Groningen opponent
7 Bernd Wondergem 2000 Compact and tractable descriptors for Information Discovery CSI, Nijmegen University opponent
6 Pierre-Michel Lallican 1999 Reconnaissance de l'ecriture manuscrite hors-ligne avec apprentissage sur l'ecriture en-ligne IRESTE, Univ. de Nantes opponent
5 Diana Mangalagiu 1999 Acceleration de l'algorithme des k plus proches voisins par reorganisation arborescente de la base de donnees Ecole Polytechnique, Paris manuscript committee
4 Daniel Ollivier 1999 Une approche economisant les traitements pour reconnaitre l'ecriture manuscrite: application a la reconnaissance des montants litteraux de cheques Universite de Paris XI, Orsay manuscript committee
3 Louis Vuurpijl 1998 Platforms for artificial neural networks: Neurosimulators and Performance prediction of MIMD-Parallel Systems CSI, Nijmegen Univ. manuscript committee
2 Hans Dolfing 1998 Handwriting Recognition and Verification: A Hidden-Markov Approach Eindhoven Univ. opponent
1 Carla Huls 1995 Fitting Language into the Picture: Studies into the use of limited-linguistic techniques in multimodal interfaces NICI, Nijmegen Univ. opponent

