Assignment 1: projection profiles

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The goal of this assignment is to make a program that draws the horizontal and vertical projection profile on an image.

Projection profiles (also called projection histograms) are a common technique to determine where in the image the objects are. They are created by summing the number of dark pixels in every row (horizontal projection profile) or in every column (vertical projection profile).




Appendix: Description of files in assignment1/

drawlib.cppDraw lines in p*m images. (you do not need to view this file).
drawlib.hHeader for drawlib.cpp; check here what you can do with drawlib.
drawlib.iInterface between C++ and Python for drawlib.
MakefileInstructions for 'make' to compile the code.
pamImage.cpp@Link to file in toolbox/
pamImage.h@Link to file in toolbox/
pamImage.i@Link to file in toolbox/

Last modified: 23 April 2009, by Axel Brink.