About me

Project (2005--2009)

With the Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Engineering (ALICE), I performed research on handwriting biometrics: computer methods to determine if two documents were written by the same person (writer verification) or to determine who is the writer of handwritten text (writer identification). I investigated how effective methods based on pattern recognition are in identifying crime suspects and I have developed a technique to identify medieval scribes in historical handwriting. I am the main developer of the initial version of GIWIS (Groningen Intelligent Writer Identification System), a writer identification program that can be used by the police and by history researchers. (more details >>)

The project has ended, it has resulted in a dissertation in 2011. Since then I have not been active in the academic world, but I am active in the business world. For my current status see my LinkedIn page.

Research interests

My research interests include: artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, computer vision, image processing, sound processing, interaction design, human-computer interaction, music.

Last modified: June 10, 2014