Date | Place | Acronym | Name, Link | Remarks |
2004, Aug. 23-26 | Cambridge, United Kingdom | 17th ICPR (ICPR2004) | 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition | pre-conf. tutorials on 22nd. |
2004, January, 18-22 | San Jose, California, USA | SPIE | Document Recognition and Retrieval XI - part of IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2004 | Submission Due Date: 23 June 2003 |
2004, Oct. 26-28 | Kokubunji/Tokyo, Japan | 9th IWFHR | 9th International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition | Paper submission deadline: 15th of March 2004 |
2005, --- | Seoul, South Korea | 8th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition | ||
2006, Oct. 3-5 | Le Croisic, France | 10th IWFHR | ||
2003, Nov. 20-22 | Grenoble, France | DOCENG'2003 | The ACM Symposium on Document Engineering | Abstracts due: May 27, 2003 |
2004, Aug. 18-20 | Lisbon, Portugal | S+SSPR\'2004 | JOINT IAPR INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPS ON Structural and Syntactical Pattern Recognition and Statistical Pattern Recognition | CFP is out, no given deadline |
2004, Jan. 23-24 | Palo Alto, CA, USA | DIAL2004 | International Workshop on DOCUMENT IMAGE ANALYSIS for LIBRARIES | October 15, Submission, November 20 Acceptance, December 20 Camera-ready copy |
2004, Sep. 8-10 | Florence, Italy | DAS'2004 | | Submissions due: Feb. 1, 2004. Ext. abstract submissions due: Apr. 1, 2004. |
2007 | Curitiba, Brazil | ICDAR'2007 | 9th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition | - |
2005, May 18-20 | Bethlehem, PA | HIP 2005 (IAPR) | 2nd Int'l Workshop on Human Interactive Proofs & CAPTCHAs | Regular paper submission deadline: January 15, 2005, Inquiries: |