
croplib.cppCrop p*m images.
croplib.hHeader for croplib.cpp.
croplib.iInterface between C++ and Python for croplib.
dist.pyCompute the edit distance (Levenshtein distance) between two strings.
example-crop.pyShows how to use croplib. Crops an image.
example-featextract.pyShows how to use featlib. Computes a simple feature vector containing one value: the fraction of dark pixels.
example-wordcrop.pyShows how you can crop words using a .words file. Crops one random word from an image.
featlib.cppExample feature extraction code: computes the fraction of dark pixels.
featlib.hHeader for featlib.cpp
featlib.iInterface between C++ and Python for featlib.
lxj-coding.tableTable with lxj-encoding for text characters.
lxj-convert.pyUses lxj-coding.table to convert text to lxj encoding.
MakefileDescription how 'make' should compile the code.
pamImage.cppRead and write .pbm/.pgm/.ppm files (color, grayscale, black/white respectively).
pamImage.hHeader for pamImage.cpp; look here to see what you can do with a PamImage object.
pamImage.iInterface between C++ and Python for pamImage.
wordio.pyReads and writes .words files.
word.pyObject for word zones and transcription.
lxj-convert.pyConverts strings to lxj encoding.

The .i files define an interface between C++ and Python. Swig uses them to create a Python wrapper around the C++ code.

Last modified: 29 April 2008, afternoon.