Multi-agent simulation of the Ultimatum Game
with knowledge factors

1. Introduction


1.1 Ultimatum game


Some 20 years ago, Guth et al. (1982) invented an economic game known as the Ultimatum Game. In this theoretical game, one player offers the second a divison of a certain amount of points. The second player may choose to accept, but when he rejects, neither player gets anything. For example, with 10 points available for division and the first player offering 4 points, the second player effectively chooses between getting 4 points (and letting player 1 have 6) or getting nothing at all (and denying player 1 any points as well).


Since the first description of the Ultimatum Game, extensive research has gone into studying the game and strategies human players employ while playing the game. Research shows that, in many cultures, people often offer ‘fair’ deals of 50-50 splits and offers of less than 20% will most likely be rejected (Heinrich et al., 2004; Oosterbeek et al., 2004). In contrast, a game-theoretical analysis of the Ultimatum Game shows that the rational strategy for the second player is to always accept an offer, regardless of its fairness. If the second player rejects an offer, he gets nothing while accepting always yields some reward (unless the offer is 100% for player 1, 0% for player 2). If the first player knows this and also maximises his gains, he will offer as little as possible (Andreoni & Blanchard, 2006).


1.2 Extending the Ultimatum Game


In this study, we are interested in extending the Ultimatum Game by using a Multi-Agent Systems approach and modelling knowledge acquisition and reasoning within agents. This requires an adaptation of the game, since the original game is played by two persons who (anonymously) meet once and then forget about each other.


First, we will study a situation in which multiple bidding and receiving agents co-exist and interact with each other. Each interaction stands alone and agents forget about the transaction after it is completed. In essence, this closely models the original Ultimatum Game. Each single agent interaction is an Ultimatum Game in the original definition.


Second, the agent simulation is adapted to introduce knowledge. In this case, the agents remember past interactions and are able to model each other’s behavior. We will study the impact of knowledge on agent strategies and results.


Lastly, the value of knowledge is studied. In this final simulation, we will introduce the possibility of buying knowledge in an auction setting. Agents will be able to bid on pieces of knowledge acquired by others. We will study the impact of auctioning knowledge and its effects on strategy.


2. Simulations


In all models of the Ultimatum Game, agents repeatedly engage in transactions in which one agents offers an amount between 0 and 10, which the second agents either accepts or rejects. If the second agent accepts the offer, it receives the amount it was offered and the first agent gets the rest (that is, 10 minus the amount the second agent received). If the second agent rejects the offer, neither agent gets anything.


Agents can be regarded as representations of negotiating parties, for example as companies who are negotiating a takeover price. Therefore, the agents are not only interested in maximising their own gains, they are also bound by certain constraints. These can be regarded as the strategic framework in which they need to operate, based on their company’s strategy. The constraints of receiving agents are of the form: accept all offers larger than or equal to X, with X being a number between 1 and 10. The constraints of bidding agents are of the form: always make offers of at least X, with X being a number between 1 and 10.


Each simulation consists of ten bidding agents and ten receiving agents. During the simulation, the points that were earned by agents through successful offers are stored, so as to compare performance between different agents and strategies.


2.1 Repeated Ultimatum Game




This game is played to determine the optimal strategy in a regular Ultimatum Game and will serve as a baseline condition to compare the other simulations with.


There are ten bidding agents, their bidding maximum ranging from 1 to 10. Also, there are ten receiving agents, their minimal acceptance ranging from 1 to 10. Each bidding agent is teamed up with each receiving agent exactly once, so that all agents are engaged in an interaction exactly ten times. Since this experiment serves as a baseline condition, the bidding agents are modelled in a simple manner, bidding their maximum bid each time.




After 100 interactions, point scores can be compared. The scores that were achieved are displayed in figures 1 and 2.



Fig. 1: Bidding agent scores in the Repeated Ultimatum Game



Fig. 2: Receiving agent scores in the Repeated Ultimatum Game




Clearly, offering a 50-50 split yields the most points for bidding agents. This can be explained in terms of expected value: there is a 50% chance that offering 5 will result in an accepted offer, giving an expected value of 2,5. On the other hand, a bid of 1 will be always accepted but only has an expected value of 1. Therefore, bidding agents would do best to offer 5 (or their maximum bid if their constraint forces them to bid lower than 5).


Inspection of the receiving agent scores shows that accepting as many bids as possible yields the most points. This corresponds to the analysis by Andreoni & Blanchard (2006), who stated that accepting any bid higher than 0 is the optimal strategy for receiving agents.


To improve on this simulation, a new simulation will be defined in which agents always make offers which maximize their expected value.


2.2 Repeated Ultimatum Game with Rational Bidding




The previous simulation is repeated, but this time the bidding agents will maximise their expected value. This means that agents will always make a bid as close to 5 as possible.




The results from this simulation can be viewed in figures 3 and 4.


Fig. 3: Bidding agent scores in the Repeated Ultimatum Game with Rational Bidding


Fig. 4: Receiving agent scores in the Repeated Ultimatum Game with Rational Bidding




The new bidding strategy clearly improves the scores of all bidding agents, except for the agent with the maximal bid of 5, which was already operating under an optimal strategy, and for agents with the maximum bids of 1 through 4, who are still forced to always bid 1, 2, 3 or 4 respectively. Through the optimal strategy for bidding agents, the gains of receiving agents have somwhat diminished and have totally vanished for agents who are unable to accept a bid of 5. Clearly, any acceptance constraint reduces expected value for receiving agents and any bidding constrant below 5 reduces expected value for bidding agents.


2.3 Repeated Ultimatum Game with Knowledge


To make the Ultimatum Game more interesting from a Multi-Agent Systems perspective, factors of knowledge can be added to the system. In the original implementation, actors only meet each other once or at least are unable to remember each other’s history. In this new extension of the game, agents will meet each other multiple times and will remember previous offers and whether they were successful.




The first part of the simulation will be the same as in the previous simulation, with ten bidding and ten receiving agents who all meet each other exactly once. However, when an encounter takes place, the outcome of the encounter instills knowledge in the offering agent about the constraint of the receiving agent. For example:


  1. A bidding agent who bids a maximum of 8 encounters a receiving agent who accepts a minimum bid of 6. The agents have no prior knowledge of each other.
  2. The bidding agent computes the most rational bid, which is 5 (as in the earlier analysis). The bid of 5 is cast.
  3. The receiving agent rejects the bid, as it is not acceptable within his constraint.
  4. The bidding agent receives the rejection and has learned something about the other agent: the minimally acceptable bid for the agent is higher than 5.


When both agents meet each other at a later time, a new situation arises:


  1. The bidding agent knows that the receiving agent will not accept a bid of 5 or lower. His best offer can be computed as follows:






Accept 6




Accept 7




Accept 8




Accept 9




Accept 10




Expected value





  1. By using the new knowledge, the expected value equation has changed and the new optimal offer is either 7 or 8. If the agent now bids 7, the offer is accepted. This again changes the bidding agent’s knowledge about the other agent: he knows that the agent will either accept all offers of 6 or higher, or offers of 7 or higher.


When both agents next meet, a new offer may yet again be made:


  1. The bidding agents computes its expected value as follows:






Accept 6




Accept 7




Expected value





  1. Again, a bid of 7 results in an optimal expected value, so a bid of 7 will again be cast. Knowledge will no longer increase.


In the new simulation, there will be multiple rounds in each of which all agents will meet each other once. In this manner, the first round will play out just like in the second simulation with rational bidding, but the development of knowledge will ensure greater gains in the ensuing rounds.




The results from this simulation can be viewed in figures 5 and 6. The figures display the scores achieved in each round separately.


Fig. 5: Bidding agent scores in multiple rounds with increasing knowledge


Fig. 6: Receiving agent scores in multiple rounds with increasing knowledge





As expected, the first round in the knowledge-based simulation is exactly the same as in the rational simulation without knowledge. After this first round, however, bidding agents have developed knowledge about receiving agents and can adapt their strategy based on this newfound knowledge.


For the bidding agents with maximum offer constraints of 1 through 5, the new knowledge does not alter their gains in any way. This can be explained as follows: all agents attempt to maximise their expected value and will want to cast an initial bid of 5, unless their maximum forbids this, in which case they will bid their maximum. For receiving agents who are unable to accept any offer less than the bidding agent’s constraining maximum, a deal can never be made despite of any knowledge about each other’s strategy; the constraints simply don’t match. For receiving agents whose minimum acceptable bid are equal to or lower than the bidding agent’s maximum bid, the offer will always be acceptable. Since the initial offer was accepted, the knowledge gained through this is that the receiving agent’s mimimum accepted bid is at most the offered amount. This changes nothing in the bidding agent’s strategy and its bids remain the same during ensuing turns. His score per turn therefore also stays constant.


Bidding agents whose constraints are looser are able to profit from the knowledge they develop, as can be seen in figure 5. These agents also initially offer the optimal bid of 5, and find that it is accepted by five agents and rejected by five others. As with the tighter constrained agents, the knowledge that the bid of 5 is accepted does not add to the expected value in ensuing rounds. However, the knowledge that five agents reject a bid of 5 is very useful, since these bidding agents can cast bids of more than 5. For example, the agent who is able to make bids of 6 now has the option of bidding 6 to the five agents who previously rejected his offer. Though there is only one agent among these who will accept a bid of 6, this does increase this bidding agent’s points scored per round by 4. As more rounds are simulated, more knowledge is gained and better bids can be cast by agents with looser constraints. This causes an increase in points scored by both bidding and receiving agents.


2.4 Repeated Ultimatum Game with Auctionable Knowledge


Building on the previous simulation, a new simulation was set up in which agents were not only able to develop knowledge about each other, but are also able to sell this knowledge. Agents will need to determine the value of knowledge to make informed bids and to optimize their strategy.




The simulation consists of two rounds, in each of which all bidding agents interact with all receiving agents exactly once. In between these rounds, a simulated auction is held. In this auction, each bidding agent auctions the knowledge about each receiving agent that was gathered in the first round. In this manner, 100 pieces of knowledge are auctioned. After the auction, the second round is run with the newly bought knowledge to determine which strategy was most successful.


In order to make an informed bid, the agent needs to determine what the auctioned knowledge is worth to it. This is determined by comparing the expected value derived from a bid under the agent’s current knowledge with the expected value of a bid when the auctioned knowledge is taken into account. Of course, this assumes the agent will ‘forget’ about the knowledge when his bid does not win the auction. This assumption might be a bit far-fetched, but might seem more natural when the auction represents the sale of a patent. If the patent is bought, the buyer receives the right to make use of the patented knowledge.


To simplify things, an auction type is used in which agents will want to bid their actual value. An auction type in which this is the case, is the Vickrey auction, or second-price sealed-bid auction (Vickrey, 1961). In this auction, all bidders submit bids without knowledge of each other’s bids. The highest bidder wins, but pays the amount bid by the second-highest bidder. This mechanism, though somewhat awkward to the unexperienced bidder, ensures that a rational bidder will bid exactly his or her actual value (Vickrey, 1961; Ausubel & Milgrom, 2006).


To determine their bid in an auction of a piece of knowledge, the bidding agent calculates the utility of that piece of knowledge to itself. The utility is determined by comparing the expected value of a bid prior to having the new knowledge with the expected value after acquiring the knowledge. Since there is only one round after the auction, the utility of the knowledge is equal to the increase in expected value. This increase value is the bid that is cast by the agent in the auction.


In initial testing of simulation runs, agents were programmed to bid rationally during the first round. However, as can be seen in the results of the second simulation run, this causes widespread uniform bidding and therefore agents will develop largely the same knowledge base. Therefore largely the same knowledge will be on auction and bids will also be largely the same, as agents generally have the same prior knowledge. To counteract this, agents were programmed to behave as they did in the first simulation, bidding their maximum bid during the first round. In the second round (after the auction), agents returned to a rational bidding strategy while taking their constraint and knowledge into account.




The results in the first round, with fixed (and possibly sub-optimal) bidding yields the same results as the first simulation, as displayed in figure 1. After this initial round, each bidder has different knowledge and all knowledge is auctioned. Figure 7 shows both spenditure by each bidding agent during the auction round, as well as scores in the first fixed-bid and second optimal-bid/knowledge-driven round.


Fig. 7: Bidding agent spenditure and scores in a simulation including a knowledge auction


Also of interest is the net increase in score that was achieved through the auction. This is displayed in figure 8.


Fig. 8: Agent profit from auction



Distributed knowledge

By letting bidding agents submit their maximal offer, each receiving agent receives ten different offers, ranging from 1 to 10. Depending on the receiving agent’s constraints, part of these offers will be rejected and part accepted. Therefore, after the first round, knowledge about each possible bid and its rejection or acceptance by a certain agent is present in one of the bidding agents. Schematically:




Where x is a bidding agent, y is a receiving agent and a is the bid amount (between 1 and 10).


Therefore, following from (1), after round one the following is also true:




Agent y’s constraint is exactly known by agent x when:




It follows from (2) that the knowledge to achieve the demands set by (3) are known, but not necessarily by a single agent. Therefore, all receiving agents’ constraints are not necessarily known, but the distributed knowledge of their constraints does exist (Van der Hoek & Meyer, 2004). If the agent x from (2) buys the knowledge from agent y in (2) or vice versa, it is no longer only distributed knowledge, but also actual knowledge of the buying agent.


This analysis shows that, after the first round, the distributed knowledge present in the entire system is complete. Thus, through the auction, an agent is able to acquire any knowledge that is of use to itself, as long as the utility of the knowledge warrants a bid that is high enough.



As can be seen in figure 7, agents 1 through 4 are unable to buy any piece of knowledge. This can be explained as follows: for all agents, knowledge about agents that have a higher minimum acceptable bid than the bidding agent’s own maximum bid is useless; any legal bid to these agents is bound to fail. Agent 1 always bids the optimum bid of 1, regardless of knowledge. Agents 2 through 4 are interested in knowledge about respectively receiving agents 1 through 3, but their increase in expected value from this knowledge is not enough to win the auction with a successful bid. On the other hand, agents 5 through 10 are successful in various auction rounds. Agent 6 is able to profit most from bidding on knowledge in terms of expected value and therefore has the highest spenditure. Agent 10, though it has the highest flexibility in possible bids, buys some knowledge but far less than the other agents.


Second round

Second round scores can be compared to first round scores in figure 7. The possible optimal score is included to be able to compare the actual increase in value gained through the auction, since the bidding strategies vary between the simulated rounds. Comparing the increase in score to the spenditure in the auction, it can be noted that agents with a high spenditure also have a high increase in score. Agent 6 spent the most points in auction but is also awarded with the highest score in the second round. Agents that did not buy any knowledge also have the same score in the second round.


Figure 8 shows the actual profit from the auction per agent. Since the first four agents did not win any bids, their profit is zero. The other agents all profited from bidding: the difference between their optimal bids in round one and round two, less the amount of points they paid to buy the extra knowledge, was positive. The only exception to this is agent 8, who apparently paid more for the knowledge than its increase in score. Even though agent 6 had the highest score in round 2, its profit from the auction was not highest. This honor goes to agent 9, who benifited most from the auction round.


For all agents, the increase of knowledge also increased their reasoning power and achieved scores. Profits did not rise for all agents, but the single negative result was small. In the Ultimatum Game, therefore, knowledge is an important factor in optimizing behaviour, even when it comes at a cost. As was concluded earlier, less stringent agent constraints are also more benificial to the agent. This is again the case here, since the agent whose maximum bid is 9 profited most from the auction round. However, the result is not as clear-cut as in previous simualtions, where the least stringent constraints also yielded the highest score. In this case, both high scores and high profits are somewhat divided over agents 5 through 10, with agents 1 through 4 again as the clear losers.

3. Conclusions


The goal of this paper was to investigate rational agent behavior under various adaptations of the Ultimatum Game. In the course of the research and simulation runs, some ideas were developed with regard to rational behavior and how knowledge-factors intertwine in this.


Most importantly, behavior was found to be optimal when it was based on as much knowledge as possible. Knowledge, in this case, is knowledge about constraints employed by other agents. Optimally, agents acquire as much knowledge as possible so that they can base their decisions on a more complete knowledge-based representation of other agents. In a simulation in which knowledge was retained, this led to better-performing agents after they had acquired more knowledge. In a simulation which was extended with an auction system, agents improved their strategy by buying knowledge from each other and thereby increasing their own expected value.


Also, simulations revealed insights into optimal strategy with regard to imposed constraints. In most simulations (the auction simulation being the only exception), more stringent constraints also led to poorer performance. When agents were left with more options to determine their bid or acceptance of a bid, this generally led to higher performance. This corresponds to the conclusions drawn by Andreoni & Blanchard (2006), who state that it is suboptimal to decline any offer higher than 0. When an offer is declined, both agents score zero points but could have scores points if the offer had been accepted. The agents in our simulations are therefore rational agents that do not share the suboptimal strategy that is often employed by human players. Humans often strive for 50-50 deals and generally reject offers of less than 20%, a suboptimal strategy (Heinrich et al., 2004; Oosterbeek et al., 2004).


4. References


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