Assignment 1: Introduction to ACT-R


Obtain experience in using ACT-R, and operating the ACT-R application


Assignment one is unit 1 in the tutorial reader. Carefully read the unit 1 text, and refer back to this document to see how you can interact with ACT-R on the lab systems in our department. Documentation for running the environment can be found here (html) or here (pdf).

What to hand in?

You have to hand in a listing of your final model, and an answer to the following question:

The model of multi-column addition is just an exercise, and is not really a faithful model of human multi-column addition. List a couple of issues on which the model is too simplistic. Also argue whether or not the model has points that you think are realistic.

Where to hand in?

Send your report through email to Lisette Mol:

Running ACT-R

ACT-R is running as a stand-alone application in under Windows, and is installed on the machines in the Lab. If you want to run ACT-R on your own machine, go to the general ACT-R website and download a version suitable for your machine.

You need to copy the following files to your own account. These files are example models discussed in the tutorial, and parts of the models you have to complete yourself.

Last Change: 09-09-2004